Planning permits. Get one.

VicSmart application form and checklists

The Complete VicSmart Guide is an online version of the VicSmart application form and checklists provided by the council. It includes explanations, instructions on what to do, examples of what to submit, as well as the VicSmart planning permit decision guidelines to help you prepare your planning application online.
This guide replicates the information required by:
The current VicSmart application form
 And any combination of the VicSmart checklists:
1. Realign a boundary between two lots
2. Subdivide land into lots each containing an existing building or car parking space
3. Subdivide land with an approved development into two lots
4. Construct a front fence in a residential zone
5. Construct a building or works in a zone (other than a rural zone)
6. Construct a building or works in an overlay
7. Remove, destroy or lop one tree
8. Minor subdivision, minor buildings and works, painting or tree lopping in a Heritage Overlay
9. Minor subdivision or buildings or works in a Special Building Overlay
10. Display a sign in a commercial, industrial or special purpose zone
11. Reduce a car parking requirement
12. Two lot subdivision in a rural zone
13. Construct a building or works in a rural zone
14. Extension to one dwelling on a lot in a residential zone
Or Local VicSmart checklists: 
Geelong – Use land to sell or consume liquor in an Activity Centre Zone
Geelong – Subdivide land into lots in an Activity Centre Zone
Geelong – Reduce a car parking requirement in an Activity Centre Zone
Ballarat – Applications under a Design and Development Overlay

Creative Commons License  Derived from: Application for a VicSmart Planning Permit Checklists for VicSmart Applications by the State of Victoria