This site also allows you to do your own planning permit online. It simplifies the government’s VicSmart application form, checklists, permit decision criteria, local planning schemes and government guides with planning advice in an interactive online guide to help you, step by step, with the VicSmart permit application process.
Pre-application discussion: Was there a pre-application meeting? Who with and when? | ||||
Planning Officer: | Date: | |||
For all planning permit applications the following MUST be provided: | ||||
A completed application form | ||||
Signed declaration on the application form | ||||
The application fee | ||||
Accompanying information | ||||
Note: The council may reduce the information that you need to provide but cannot ask for more information than listed. Please check the information requirements with council. The following information must be provided as appropriate. | ||||
Copy of title and any registered restrictive covenant. The title information must include a ‘register search statement’ and the title diagram, and any associated ‘instruments’. Check if council requires title information to have been searched within a specified time frame. |
A description of the use of the land and the proposed buildings and works. | ||||
3 copies of a layout plan drawn to scale and fully dimensioned showing: | ||||
The boundaries and dimensions of the site. | ||||
Adjoining roads. | ||||
The location, height and use of buildings and works on adjoining land. | ||||
Relevant ground levels. | ||||
Any contaminated soils and filled areas, where known. | ||||
The layout of existing and proposed buildings and works. | ||||
All existing and proposed driveways, car parking, bicycle parking and loading areas. | ||||
Existing and proposed landscape areas. | ||||
All external storage and waste treatment areas. | ||||
The location of easements and services. | ||||
Elevation drawings to scale showing the height, colour and materials of all proposed buildings and works. | ||||
A photograph of the building or area affected by the proposal. | ||||
A written statement describing the proposal and if relevant: | ||||
The built form and character of adjoining and nearby buildings. | ||||
Heritage character of adjoining heritage places. | ||||
Ground floor street frontages, including visual impacts and pedestrian safety. | ||||
A written statement describing whether the proposed buildings and works meet: | ||||
The number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06 – Car parking or in the schedule to the Parking Overlay under Clause 45.09. | ||||
Any development requirement specified in the zone or the schedule to the zone. | ||||
Any relevant requirement in an approved development plan or incorporated plan for the land. | ||||
Any other information specified in the schedule to the zone. | ||||
For land in a residential zone, a written statement, plan or diagram showing how the proposal meets the requirements in the following standards of Clause 54: | ||||
A10 Side and rear setbacks. | ||||
A11 Walls on boundaries. | ||||
A12 Daylight to existing windows. | ||||
A13 North-facing windows. | ||||
A14 Overshadowing. | ||||
A15 Overlooking. | ||||
If a schedule to the zone specifies a requirement of a standard different from a requirement set out in the Clause 54 standard the schedule to the zone applies. | ||||
Note: If a proposal falls into more than one VicSmart class of application, the information requirements of each class apply and the corresponding checklists should be completed. For instance:
Source: VicSmart Checklists by the Department of Transport and Planning