Planning permits. Get one.

What is the fastest way to get a planning permit in Victoria?

The fastest way to get a planning permit in Victoria is to first understand what the permit triggers are (why you need a planning permit), get confirmation of planning permit exemptions, understand the planning process and whether it can be fast-tracked, and provide the information required to support the application. A Preliminary Planning Report does all of this.

Some planning applications are eligible to be fast-tracked. This is based on the specifics of the planning scheme and the proposal.

There are three ways planning permit applications that may be “fast-tracked” via the planning scheme:

    1. Under VicSmart every Victorian council shares a 10-business day permit assessment process built in to their planning scheme, for eligible applications, courtesy of the State Government.
    2. A number of councils have added Local VicSmart planning provisions, which extend the 10 business day permit assessment process to additional proposals. For instance:
    3. A few councils offer specific fast-track services.

VSPPAS or councils will assess eligibility for applications that can be fast-tracked.

If you want written advice from a Town Planning Consultant regarding whether a proposal needs a planning permit or is exempt, or, if you need a permit, what the planning application requirements are, then you are ready to start using Victorian Smart Planning – Permit Application Services:

It’s the simplest way to get a planning permit.