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What is a floodplain management authority?

Ten floodplain management authorities (FMA) operate across Victoria comprising nine CMAs within rural provincial areas of Victoria and Melbourne Water within Port Phillip and Western Port Catchment Management Region. FMA’s deliver statutory floodplain management functions under that Water Act 1989.
  • FMA’s role includes identifying floodplains and preserving their ability to safely convey and store floodwaters, as well as coordinating flood investigations and flood mitigation plans, and monitoring floods when they occur. They have a key role in ensuring that new buildings and works in known floodplain areas do not adversely create additional flood risks.

With respect to town planning permits, the floodplain management authorities:

  • Assist municipal councils to incorporate flood mapping and development controls into their planning schemes to manage and reduce future growth of flood risk, i.e., reduce flood damages and human suffering.
  • Assess and respond to land-use, development, and planning scheme amendment applications referred by municipal councils. Such referrals are statutory requirements established under the Planning and Environment Act 1989 and planning schemes. Refer to Land Use and Planning Controls page for further details.

Other major roles of the floodplain management authorities include to:

  • Oversee and prepare a regional floodplain management strategy for their region that provides a blueprint for implementation of flood related programs. The programs typically include priority actions for: flood mapping, flood studies, floodplain management plans, flood awareness and education and asset management.
  • Coordinate the collection of flood information such as: flood photography, flood heights and flow rates and velocities in times of significant regional floods.
  • Assist and facilitate the implementation of regional flood warning systems.
  • Maintain and enhance flood information and libraries.
  • Provide for the conservation of natural resources and environmental values of regional significance.
  • Monitor and report on regional flood management performance.
  • Advise Government on regional flood management priorities.

Creative Commons License Source: Role of Floodplain Management Authorities by the State of Victoria