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What does land use mean?

To describe the use of the site, click on one of the land use groups below to see the related land use terms. Select a term from the left hand column. and work your way to the right to select the most specific land use from the diagram of nested terms. Here are the definitions of these land use terms. These land use groups and terms are used by councils in reporting:
Land Use Groups
1 – Accommodation
2 – Agriculture
3 -Agriculture (Animal production)
4 – Child Care
5 – Education Centre
6 – Industry
7 – Leisure & recreation
8 – Earth and Energy  Resources Group
9 – Office
10 – Place of assembly Other land use
11 – Recreational Boat Facility
12 – Retail Premises
13 – Retail Premises (Shop)
14 – Transport Terminal
15 – Utility Installation
16 – Warehouse
17 -Renewable Energy

Creative Commons License Source Planning Permit Activity Report and derived from Clause 73.04 – Nesting Diagrams of Land Use Terms by the Department of Transport and Planning