Planning permits. Get one.

What do objections to a planning application mean for the permit applicant?

Objections to advertised planning applications affect the permit applicant in a number of ways:

  1. If there are no objections the council will proceed to a decision, this can take 6 weeks or so from the end of the advertising period.
  2. If an objection is withdrawn, the objector forgoes the right to appeal the decision at VCAT.
  3. If there are one or more objections, council will issue a Notice of Decision to grant a permit (NOD), rather than a permit. An NOD allows objectors 28 days to lodge an application for review at VCAT.
  4. If VCAT confirms that no application has been lodged within the 28 days, council will issue the permit.
  5. If an objector lodges an application for review within 28 days of the notice being given, council can’t issue the permit. The application will be decided by VCAT.