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View examples of how to describe the proposal

An example may be the addition of a front window and pergola for a retail premises (tile shop) with a leasable floor area under 150 square metres in a mixed use zone.

This states the building type (addition of a front window and pergola), land use type (retail premises) and the properties zone (mixed use) and condition (floor area as specified in the zone)

Other examples include:

  • Two lot subdivision and common property associated with an existing building
  • Subdivision of the land into two lots in accordance with the previously approved development
  • Proposed carport, shed and covered deck to an existing dwelling in a Design and Development Overlay and a Significant Landscape Overlay
  • Construction of buildings and works (canopy) to an existing building in a Commercial Zone affected by a Design Development Overlay.
  • Remove destroy or lop one tree.
  • Construction of a new dwelling in a Special Building Overlay
  • A reduction in the car parking requirement associated with an education centre
Examples in a Heritage overlay include:
  • Part demolition and construction of additions and alterations (carport, entry deck, driveway, front fence and retaining wall) to a dwelling in a Heritage Overlay
  • Demolition of a pergola and construction of a new verandah roof to a dwelling in a Heritage Overlay
  • Part demolition and construction of a front fence (including pedestrian gate and vehicular gate) associated with an existing dwelling in a Heritage overlay.
  • Alteration of an existing crossover associated with an existing dwelling in Heritage Overlay
  • Construction of a swimming pool and associated fencing to an existing dwelling in a Heritage Overlay
  • Reduction in the car parking requirement associated with a medical centre