View an example Arborist report
Here is
an example of an arborist report.
An Arborist Report must include:
- name and contact details of the Arborist/Arboricultural Consultant including their professional qualification;
- name and contact details of the client;
- objective of the report (a clear statement of the purpose of the report);
- methodology (the date and methods employed by the arborist in making their determination)
- a clear plan of the site showing all existing trees including those on neighbouring properties with individual identifying numbers which correspond to the report. The plan should also include canopy outlines of all individual trees; and the following data collected for each tree:- common name and tree type (indigenous, native, exotic, etc.);
– tree dimensions (height X canopy spread);
– tree trunk diameter (DBH: measured at1.4 metres);
– age (young, semi-mature, mature, senescent, etc.), health and structure;
– retention value and contribution to landscape;
– tree protection pone (TPZ) Distances;
- recommendations;
- special design and construction requirements (if relevant); and
- comments (any relevant information)
Source: Planning: A Short Guide by the Department of Transport and Planning