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VicSmart Clause 59.14 – Information Requirements

59.14 – Extension to one dwelling on a lot in a residential zone is the clause in local planning schemes that sets out the following for VicSmart planning applications:

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59.14-1 Information Requirements

31/07/2018 VC148
An application must be accompanied by the following information as appropriate:

    • A copy of title for the subject land and a copy of any registered restrictive covenant.
    • A site plan, drawn to scale and fully dimensioned showing:
      • Site shape, size, orientation and easements.
      • Levels of the site and the difference in levels between the site and surrounding properties.
      • Location of existing buildings on the site and on surrounding properties, including the location and height of walls built to the boundary of the site.
      • The use of surrounding buildings.
      • The location of secluded private open space and habitable room windows of surrounding properties which have an outlook to the site within 9 metres.
      • Solar access to the site and surrounding properties.
      • Location of significant trees existing on the site and any significant trees removed from the site in the 12 months prior to the application being made, where known.
      • Any contaminated soils and filled areas, where known.
      • Views to and from the site.
      • Street frontage features such as poles, street trees and kerb crossovers.
      • Any other notable features of the site.
      • In relation to the neighbourhood:
        • The built form, scale and character of surrounding development.
        • Architectural and roof styles.
        • Any other notable features or characteristics of the neighbourhood.
    • A site and layout plan, drawn to scale and fully dimensioned showing:
      • Site shape, size, orientation, easements and site levels.
      • Adjoining roads.
      • The location and use of buildings and works on adjoining land.
      • The layout and use of existing buildings being retained and all proposed buildings, including finished floor levels.
      • All existing and proposed driveways and crossovers.
      • Existing and proposed landscape and open space areas.
      • All external storage, waste areas and services.
    • An elevation plan, drawn to scale showing the height, colour and materials of the proposed extension.
    • Photographs of the building or area affected by the proposal.
    • A written statement, plan or diagram demonstrating how the proposal meets:
      • The garden area requirement specified in the zone. –
      • The requirements in the following standards of Clause 54:
        • A10 Side and rear setbacks.
        • A11 Walls on boundaries.
        • A12 Daylight to existing windows.
        • A13 North-facing windows.
        • A14 Overshadowing open space.
        • A15 Overlooking.
      • The objectives and requirements in the following standards of Clause 54:
        • Clause 54.02-1 Neighbourhood character objective and standard A1.
        • Clause 54.03-3 Site coverage objective and standard A5.
        • Clause 54.03-4 Permeability objectives and standard A6.
        • Clause 54.03-5 Energy efficiency protection objectives and standard A7.
        • Clause 54.03-6 Significant trees objectives and standard A8.
        • Clause 54.05-1 Daylight to new windows objective and standard A16.
        • Clause 54.05-2 Private open space objective and standard A17.
        • Clause 54.05-3 Solar access to open space objective and Standard A18.
        • Clause 54.06-1 Design detail objective and Standard A19.
    • If a schedule to the zone specifies a requirement of a standard different from a requirement set out in the Clause 54 standard, the requirement in the schedule to the zone applies.

Creative Commons License Source: Victoria Planning Provisions – VicSmart Clause 59.14 by the Department of Transport and Planning