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Types of signs and signage for planning permit applications

The table below contains Clause 73.02 sign terms used in planning schemes and planning permits. It includes types of signs as well as their definitions. These signs terms are referred to in the sign categories and further refined by conditions. Should a sign fit be more than one type of sign, then the most restrictive conditions apply.
Type of Sign Definition
Above-verandah sign A sign above a verandah or, if no verandah, that is more than 3.7 metres above pavement level, and which projects more than 0.3 metre outside the site.
Display area The area of that part of a sign used to display its content, including borders, surrounds and logo boxes.

It does not include safety devices, platforms and lighting structures.

If the sign does not move or rotate, the area is one side only.

Animated sign A sign that can move, contains moving or scrolling parts, changes its message, flashes, or has a moving or flashing border.
Bed and breakfast sign A sign at a dwelling that advertises bed and breakfast accommodation in the dwelling.
Bunting sign An advertisement that consists of bunting, streamers, flags, windvanes, or the like.
Business identification sign A sign that provides business identification information about a business or industry on the land where it is displayed. The information may include the name of the business or building, the street number of the business premises, the nature of the business, a business logo or other business identification information.
Direction sign A sign not exceeding 0.3 square metre that directs vehicles or pedestrians. It does not include a sign that contains commercial information.
Electronic sign A sign that can be updated electronically. It includes screens broadcasting still or moving images.
Floodlit sign A sign illuminated by external lighting provided for that purpose.
High-wall sign A sign on the wall of a building so that part of it is more than 10 metres above the ground.
Home based business sign A sign at a dwelling that advertises a home based business carried on in the dwelling, or on the land around the dwelling.
Internally illuminated sign A sign illuminated by internal lighting or which contains lights or illuminated tubes arranged as an advertisement.
Major promotion sign A sign which is 18 square metres or greater that promotes goods, services, an event or any other matter, whether or not provided, undertaken or sold or for hire on the land or in the building on which the sign is sited.
Panel sign A sign with an advertisement area exceeding 10 square metres.
Pole sign A sign:

a) on a pole or pylon that is not part of a building or another structure;

b) that is no more than 7 metres above the ground;

c) with an advertisement area not exceeding 6 square metres; and

d) that has a clearance under it of at least 2.7 metres.

Promotion sign A sign of less than 18 square metres that promotes goods, services, an event or any other matter, whether or not provided, undertaken or sold or for hire on the land or in the building on which the sign is sited.
Reflective sign A sign finished with material specifically made to reflect external light.
Sign Includes a structure specifically built to support or illuminate a sign.
Sky sign A sign:

a) on or above the roof of a building, but not a verandah;

b) fixed to the wall of a building and which projects above the wall; or

c) fixed to a structure (not a building) so that part of it is more than 7 metres above the ground.

Creative Commons License Source Victoria Planning Provisions by the Department of Transport and Planning