Planning permits. Get one.

The best way to object to a planning permit application

If you wish to lodge an objection and an advertised planning application, here are some tips to making your submission the most effective:

  1. Follow the instructions in the notice on how to make a submission (objection).
  2. You should try to lodge an objection by the date on the notice. However, you can lodge an objection any time after the application has been lodged and before a decision is made on the application.
  3. Getting some planning advice.
  4. Clearly state the reasons for objecting and how you would be affected. Note: while feelings may motivate an objection, only objections with merit under the planning scheme can have an impact.
  5. If a you wish to object as a part of a group of people and combine resources to make an objection, such as a petition, nominate one contact person.