Planning permits are required for some changes of use, advertising signs, small second dwellings, more than one dwelling on a lot, mezzanines, extensions or additional floor space, increased use or operating hours, farm accommodation and sheds. This may be due to planning controls in specific zones, such as the Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Activity Centre, Capital City or Farm Zones, or in planning overlays, such as the Heritage Overlay, Design and Development Overlay or Special Building Overlay.
If you want written advice from a Town Planning Consultant regarding whether a proposal needs a planning permit or is exempt, or, if you need a permit, what the planning application requirements are, then you are ready to start using Victorian Smart Planning – Permit Application Services:
It’s the simplest way to get a planning permit.
Residential zones control the intensity of development, from minimal change in the Low Density Residential and Township zones, to managing incremental change in the Neighbourhood and General and Residential zones, to encouraging substantial change in the Residential Growth and Mixed Use zones. Zones control things like building heights, the number of storeys, minimum garden area, and fence requirements.
Overlays add additional planning controls. For example, in a Heritage Overlay, permits can be required for external painting, outbuildings (carports, pergolas, garages, verandahs, decks, sheds), domestic services, solar heating, vehicle cross-overs (driveways), swimming pools, spas, rainwater tanks, displaying signs, picnic tables, BBQs, security lighting, irrigation, drainage, tree removal, fences, altering a non-contributory building and removing an out building.
You can use Victorian Smart Planning – Permit Application Services to:
It’s the simplest way to complete an application to get a planning permit in Victoria.