Planning permit application requirements for signs
When applying for a planning permit for proposed business signage or a proposed sign, the application should include the following information so that the council can make a decision. This applies to all permit applications for signs as per
Clause 52.05-6:
Site context
A site context report, using a site plan, photographs or other methods to accurately describe:
- The location of the proposed sign on the site or building and distance from property boundaries.
- The location and size of existing signage on the site including details of any signs to be retained or removed.
- The location and form of existing signage on abutting properties and in the locality.
- The location of closest traffic control signs.
- Identification of any view lines or vistas that could be affected by the proposed sign.
Sign details
- The location, dimensions, height above ground level and extent of projection of the proposed sign.
- The height, width, depth of the total sign structure including method of support and any associated structures such as safety devices and service platforms.
- Details of associated on-site works.
- Details of any form of illumination, including details of baffles and the times at which the sign would be illuminated.
- The colour, lettering style and materials of the proposed sign.
- The size of the display (total display area, including all sides of a multi-sided sign).
- The location of any logo box and proportion of display area occupied by such a logo box.
- For animated or electronic signs, a report addressing the decision guidelines at Clause 52.05-8 relating to road safety.
- Any landscaping details.
Source Victoria Planning Provisions by the Department of Transport and Planning