Planning permits. Get one.

The VicSmart Application Form

If you qualify for the VicSmart permit application process, the council will have given you a VicSmart application form and one or more of the checklists. You should be able to find answers to any questions you have about the VicSmart application form or checklists on this site.

This site allows you to do your own planning permit application online. It simplifies the government’s VicSmart application form (below) as well as the VicSmart checklists, permit decision guidelines, local planning schemes and government guides with planning advice. It is an online guide to help you, step by step, with the VicSmart permit application process.

You can deal directly with council and do your own application, or use this guide to do it.

All you need to know is if your application is eligible for VicSmart, then you are ready to:

Start an application

Note: The Complete VicSmart Guide is the No.1 DIY online planning application guide in Victoria. It is a fee based service published by Victorian Smart Planning Permit Services, a town planning business.


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Application No: Date Lodged:    /     /

Application for a VicSmart Planning Permit

This application form is only for VicSmart applications (those listed in a zone, overlay, particular provision or the schedule to Clause 59.15). For all other planning permit applications, please request the correct form from Council. If you need help to complete this form, read MORE INFORMATION at the end of this form.

If you need help to complete this form, read How to complete the Application for Planning Permit form.

Any material submitted with this application, including plans and personal information, will be made available for public viewing, including electronically, and copies may be made for interested parties for the purpose of enabling consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987. If you have any concerns, please contact council’s planning department.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed.

If the space provided on the form is insufficient, attach a separate sheet.

Application type

Specify the applicable VicSmart class (may be more than one)

Classes of VicSmart application are listed in zones, overlays, particular provisions and the schedule to Clause 59.15.


Select the VicSmart class(es) Information requirements
and decision guidelines
can be found in
 Realign the common boundary between two lots Clause 59.01
 Subdivision of buildings and car parking spaces Clause 59.02
 Subdivide land into two lots (not in a rural zone) Clause 59.02
 Front fence in a residential zone Clause 59.03
 Buildings and works in a residential zone Clause 59.04
 Buildings and works in commercial and industrial zones Clause 59.04
 Buildings and works in special purpose zones Clause 59.04
 Buildings and works in an overlay Clause 59.05
 Remove, destroy or lop a tree Clause 59.06
 Subdivision and buildings and works in a Heritage Overlay Clause 59.07
 Subdivision and buildings and works in a Special Building Overlay Clause 59.08
 Advertising sign Clause 59.09
 Reducing the requirement for car parking Clause 59.10
 Two lot subdivision in a rural zone Clause 59.12
 Buildings and works in a rural zone Clause 59.13
 Extension to one dwelling on a lot in a residential zone Clause 59.14
 If the VicSmart class is listed in the schedule to Clause 59.15, specify it here: Clause 59.15

Pre-application meeting

Has there been a pre-application meeting with a Council planning officer?  No  Yes
If ‘yes’, with whom?:
day / month / year

The Land

Address of the land. Complete the Street Address and one of the Formal Land Descriptions.
Street Address*
St. No:
St. Name:
Formal Land Description*
Complete either A or B This information can be found on the certificate of title.
Lot No:
 Lodged Plan  Title Plan  Plan of Subdivision
Crown Allotment No:
Section No:
Parish/Township Name:
If this application relates to more than one address, please attach details.

The Proposal

You must give full details of your proposal and attach the information required to assess the application. Insufficient or unclear information will delay your application.
For what use, development or other matter do you require a permit?*

If you need help about the proposal, read: How to Complete the Application for Planning Permit Form

 Provide additional information on the proposal, including: plans and elevations; any information required by the planning scheme, requested by Council or outlined in a Council planning permit checklist, and if required, a description of the likely effect of the proposal.
Estimated cost of development for which the permit is required*
Cost $
You may be required to verify this estimate
Insert ‘0’ if no development is proposed (eg. change of use, subdivision, removal of covenant, liquor licence)

Existing Conditions

Describe how the land is used and developed now*

Eg. vacant, three dwellings, medical centre with two practitioners, licensed restaurant with 80 seats, grazing.

 Provide a plan of the existing conditions. Photos are also helpful.

Title Information

Encumbrances on title*

If you need help about the title, read: How to complete the Application for Planning Permit form

Does the proposal breach, in any way, an encumbrance on title such as a restrictive covenant, section 173 agreement or other obligation such as an easement or building envelope?
 Yes, (if ‘yes’ contact Council for advice on how to proceed before continuing with this application.)
 Not applicable (no such encumbrance applies).
Provide a full, current copy of the title for each individual parcel of land forming the subject site.
(The title includes: the covering ‘register search statement’, the title diagram and the associated title
documents, known as ‘instruments’ eg restrictive covenants.)

Applicant and Owner Details etc

Provide details of the applicant and the owner of the land.