Meeting the objectives and standards of Clause 54
Here is a summary of the objectives and requirements in Clause 54 that must be met by your proposal in order to satisfy
VicSmart Checklist 14:
- A1 Neighbourhood character
- A5 Site coverage
- A6 Permeability
- A7 Energy efficiency protection
- A8 Significant trees
- A16 Daylight to new windows
- A17 Private open space
- A18 Solar access to open space
- A19 Design detail
These objectives and requirements must be met by the proposed design, and therefore included in your plans. Give this list to who ever is drafting your plans to ensure the standards are met. Remember to check if there is a schedule to the zone that modifies these objectives and standards.
54.02-1 Neighbourhood character objective
To ensure that the design respects the existing neighbourhood character or contributes to a preferred neighbourhood character. To ensure that the design responds to the features of the site and the surrounding area.
Standard A1
- The design response must be appropriate to the neighbourhood and the site.
- The proposed design must respect the existing or preferred neighbourhood character and respond to the features of the site.
Decision guidelines
Before deciding on an application, the responsible authority must consider:
- Any relevant neighbourhood character objective, policy or statement set out in this scheme.
- The neighbourhood and site description.
- The design response. 54.02-2
54.03-3 Site coverage objective
To ensure that the site coverage respects the existing or preferred neighbourhood character and responds to the features of the site.
Standard A5
The site area covered by buildings should not exceed:
- The maximum site coverage specified in a schedule to the zone, or
- If no maximum site coverage is specified in a schedule to the zone, 60 per cent.
Decision guidelines
Before deciding on an application, the responsible authority must consider:
- Any relevant neighbourhood character objective, policy or statement set out in this scheme.
- The design response.
- The existing site coverage and any constraints imposed by existing development or the features of the site.
- The site coverage of adjacent properties.
- The effect of the visual bulk of the building and whether this is acceptable in the neighbourhood.
54.03-4 Permeability objectives
To reduce the impact of increased stormwater run-off on the drainage system. To facilitate on-site stormwater infiltration.
Standard A6
The site area covered by pervious surfaces should be at least:
- The minimum area specified in a schedule to the zone; or
- If no minimum area is specified in a schedule to the zone, 20 per cent of the site.
Decision guidelines
Before deciding on an application, the responsible authority must consider:
- The design response.
- The existing site coverage and any constraints imposed by existing development.
- The capacity of the drainage network to accommodate additional stormwater.
- The capacity of the site to absorb run-off.
- The practicality of achieving the minimum site coverage of pervious surfaces, particularly on lots of less than 300 square metres.
54.03-5 Energy efficiency protection objectives
To achieve and protect energy efficient dwellings. To ensure the orientation and layout of development reduce fossil fuel energy use and make appropriate use of daylight and solar energy.
Standard A7
Buildings should be:
- Oriented to make appropriate use of solar energy.
- Sited and designed to ensure that the energy efficiency of existing dwellings on adjoining lots is not unreasonably reduced.
- Living areas and private open space should be located on the north side of the dwelling, if practicable.
- Dwellings should be designed so that solar access to north-facing windows is maximised.
Decision guidelines
Before deciding on an application, the responsible authority must consider:
- The design response.
- The size, orientation and slope of the lot.
- The existing amount of solar access to abutting properties.
- The availability of solar access to north-facing windows on the site.
54.03-6 Significant trees objectives
To encourage development that respects the landscape character of the neighbourhood. To encourage the retention of significant trees on the site.
Standard A8
- Development should provide for the retention or planting of trees, where these are part of the neighbourhood character.
- Development should provide for the replacement of any significant trees that have been removed in the 12 months prior to the application being made.
Decision guidelines
Before deciding on an application, the responsible authority must consider:
- Any relevant neighbourhood character objective, policy or statement set out in this scheme.
- The design response.
- The health of any trees that were removed or are proposed to be removed.
- Whether a tree was removed to gain a development advantage.
54.05-1 Daylight to new windows objective
To allow adequate daylight into new habitable room windows.
Standard A16
A window in a habitable room should be located to face:
- An outdoor space clear to the sky or a light court with a minimum area of 3 square metres and minimum dimension of 1 metre clear to the sky, not including land on an abutting lot, or
- A verandah provided it is open for at least one third of its perimeter, or
- A carport provided it has two or more open sides and is open for at least one third of its perimeter.
Decision guidelines
Before deciding on an application, the responsible authority must consider:
- The design response.
- Whether there are other windows in the habitable room which have access to daylight.
54.05-2 Private open space objective
To provide adequate private open space for the reasonable recreation and service needs of residents.
Standard A17
- A dwelling should have private open space of an area and dimensions specified in a schedule to the zone.
- If no area or dimensions is specified in a schedule to the zone, a dwelling should have private open space consisting of an area of 80 square metres or 20 per cent of the area of the lot, whichever is the lesser, but not less than 40 square metres. At least one part of the private open space should consist of secluded private open space with a minimum area of 25 square metres and a minimum dimension of 3 metres at the side or rear of the dwelling with convenient access from a living room.
Decision guidelines
Before deciding on an application, the responsible authority must consider:
- The design response.
- The useability of the private open space, including its size and accessibility.
- The availability of and access to public open space.
- The orientation of the lot to the street and the sun.
54.05-3 Solar access to open space objective
To allow solar access into the secluded private open space of a new dwelling.
Standard A18
The private open space should be located on the north side of the dwelling, if practicable.
The southern boundary of secluded private open space should be set back from any wall on the north of the space at least (2 + 0.9h) metres, where ‘h’ is the height of the wall.
View Diagram A5 Solar access to open space
Decision guidelines
Before deciding on an application, the responsible authority must consider:
- The design response.
- The useability and amenity of the secluded private open space based on the sunlight it will receive.
54.06-1 Design detail objective
To encourage design detail that respects the existing or preferred neighbourhood character.
Standard A19
The design of buildings, including:
- Facade articulation and detailing,
- Window and door proportions,
- Roof form, and
- Verandahs, eaves and parapets,
should respect the existing or preferred neighbourhood character.
Garages and carports should be visually compatible with the development and the existing or preferred neighbourhood character.
Decision guidelines
Before deciding on an application, the responsible authority must consider:
- Any relevant neighbourhood character objective, policy or statement set out in this scheme.
- The design response.
- The effect on the visual bulk of the building and whether this is acceptable in the neighbourhood setting.
- Whether the design is innovative and of a high architectural standard
Derived from Victoria Planning Provisions by the Department of Transport and Planning