Planning permits. Get one.

How to get a VicSmart permit for an extension to one dwelling on a lot in a residential zone

To do your own planning application for an extension to construct an outbuilding or extend a dwelling in a residential zone as a VicSmart application, the first step is to check if your application is eligible for the VicSmart process. This will ensure that your application meets the following criteria:
  1. Meets the minimum garden area requirement in a General or Neighbourhood Residential Zone
  2. Does not exceed a building height of 5 metres.
  3. Is not visible from the street (other than a lane) or a public park.
  4. Meets the requirements in the following standards of Clause 54:
    • A10 Side and rear setbacks
    • A11 Walls on boundaries
    • A12 Daylight to existing windows
    • A13 North-facing windows
    • A14 Overshadowing open space
    • A15 Overlooking
  5. Does not trigger a permit under another part of the planning scheme
  6. If any Schedules apply to the zone
  7. Note: The Standards in Clause 54 or schedule are mandatory for this class of VicSmart application

Creative Commons License Derived from Victoria Planning Provisions by the State of Victoria


If you know your application is eligible for the VicSmart process, then you can:

Start an application