Planning permits. Get one.

How to do subdivision or construct or building or works in a Special Building Overlay (SBO)

To do your own planning application to construct a building or construct or carry out works in a Special Building Overlay (SBO) as a VicSmart application,the first step is to check if your application is eligible for the VicSmart process. This will ensure that your application meets the following criteria:
    1. The land is in a Special Building Overlay
    2. Does not trigger a permit under another part of the planning scheme

Before you lodge your application, you will need to get referral from a floodplain management authority for the SBO. This involves sending plans for your application to the relevant floodplain authority for consent. They will provide you with a letter and stamp (endorse) your plans. These items must be lodged as a part of your VicSmart planning application.

If there is a fence, on a corner allotment you may need a building surveyor.

Creative Commons License Derived from Victoria Planning Provisions by the State of Victoria


If you know your application is eligible for the VicSmart process, then you can:

Start an application