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Glossary of planning permit application terms: Q – S

Referral Authority
An organisation to which an application is forwarded in order that they may provide comment as to how the application affects its business. The referral authority may reply with advice or even mandatory requirements.3

ResCode is a set of design objectives and standards included in the Planning Scheme and guides residential development in Victoria. It includes performance criteria and diagrams that apply to building heights and setbacks. The aim is to ensure that new residential development respects the existing character of the area and will result in minimal off-site amenity impact.8

Responsible authority
A responsible authority is the body responsible for the administration or enforcement of a planning scheme or a provision of a scheme. A responsible authority is responsible for considering and determining planning permit applications and for ensuring compliance with the planning scheme, permit conditions and agreements. The responsible authority is usually the municipal council. However, in the Melbourne Planning Scheme for example, the Minister for Planning is the responsible authority for land in a number of areas including the Melbourne Casino Area, Melbourne Docklands Area, Flemington Racecourse and the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds.12

The sale of goods or materials, in any quantity or manner, other than by wholesale.

Secluded private open space
Secluded private open space (SPOS) is that part of private open space primarily intended for outdoor living activities which enjoys a reasonable amount of privacy.

Shadow Diagrams
A Shadow Diagram is a plan showing where shadows will fall at specific times of the day. Shadow diagrams allow Council to assess the potential overshadowing impact of a proposal. Shadow diagrams:

      • must be provided on a separate plan for the hours of 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm at 22 September (Equinox);
      • must include shadows cast by existing and proposed buildings and works including boundary fences; and
      • must clearly differentiate between existing shadows and proposed shadows.

The shadow diagrams should also include the following calculations:

      • The total area (in square metres) of neighbouring secluded private open space;
      • The amount of existing shadow cast on neighbouring secluded private open space. The amount of existing shadow must be specified in terms of square metre coverage and as a percentage of the total area of the secluded private open space; and
      • The amount of additional shadow cast on neighbouring secluded private open space. The amount of additional shadow must be specified in terms of square metre coverage and as a percentage of the total area of the secluded private open space.

Please note: a Section Diagram may be required to further illustrate the extent of potential shadow impact. Please discuss this requirement with a Council Planning Officer.6

Section 173 Agreement
A Section 173 Agreement is a legal contract made between Council and another party and sets out what can or cannot be done on the land. For example, the Agreement may limit development that is permitted on the land. It refers to the section of the Planning and Environment Act (1987) that sets out provisions for agreements. See FAQ Section 173 Agreement

The minimum distance from any allotment boundary to a building. Sexual services Has the same meaning as it has in the Sex Work Act 1994. Site coverage The proportion of a site covered by buildings.

An application to build a new or alter an existing sign. Find out more about getting a planning permit for a sign.7

Signature of applicant
The form must be signed by the applicant(s), a legal practitioner, a licensed conveyancer or an agent of the applicant. Signature requirements are:

      • applicant signs – no witness required
      • signature of an Australian legal practitioner (under the Legal Profession Act 2004 for the applicant) – full name and address must be given
      • signature of a licensed conveyancer (under the Conveyancers Act 2006 for the applicant) who must state he/she is a licensed conveyancer
      • signature of an agent – letter of agency must be supplied.13

Significant Tree
A significant tree is listed in a Significant Tree Study. All significant trees are considered to be of environmental, historic, horticultural, biodiversity or other value OR protected by local laws (such as is defined under Community Amenity), which defines a Significant Tree as a tree or palm on private land:

      • With a trunk circumference of 0.50 centimetres or greater, measured 1.4 metres above ground level
      • With multiple stems where the circumference of its exterior stems is equal to, or greater than 0.50 centimetres when measured 1.4 metre above ground level.

A permit maybe required from Council’s City Permits Unit to prune or remove a significant tree or palm in addition to any planning permit required by the local planning Scheme.8

Single dwelling
An application which involves the construction of one new dwelling.7

Site Plan
A Site Plan is a scaled plan with notations that details the proposal in context with the site boundaries and immediately adjoining properties. A Site Plan for residential development and building and works must be drawn to a scale of 1:100 and include:

      • North point;
      • Dimensions of the subject site (must be identical to those shown on Certificate of Title);
      • Proposed building envelope;
      • Dimensions and area of all private open space areas;
      • dimensions of setbacks from all boundaries;
      • Location of crossover/s;
      • Location of vegetation including trees to be retained;
      • Site and finished floor levels to the Australian Height Datum (AHD);
      • Location and use of surrounding buildings;
      • Location and height of walls on boundaries;
      • Location of habitable room windows facing the subject site;
      • Levels to the Australian Height Datum (AHD);
      • Details of any vegetation including trees on adjoining sites; and
      • Street frontage features such as pole, street trees and crossovers. A

Site Plan for Advertising Signs must be drawn to a scale of 1:100 and include:

      • Location of proposed signs in the context of the whole site;
      • Location and layout of adjoining properties; and
      • Location of closest traffic control sign.6

Statutory planning
The basic instrument for statutory planning is a planning scheme. Statutory planning entails the process of decision making on planning permits for new use and development. It includes the preparation and implementation of planning provisions for the planning scheme.12

Strategic planning
Strategic planning is the research and formulation of policies or strategies to implement goals and objectives relating to particular land uses or areas. Strategic planning also involves monitoring and evaluating the implications of the provisions on land use and development.12

That part of a building between floor levels. If there is no floor above, it is the part between the floor level and ceiling. It may include an attic, basement, built over car parking area, and mezzanine.

Subdivision means the division of land into two or more parts which can be disposed of separately. 16

Subdivision buildings
An application that involves the subdivision of an existing building.7

Subdivision – Change to an easement
An application that involves a change t an existing easement that applies to the land.7

Subdivision of land
An application that proposes the subdivision of land into two or more lots.7

Subdivision – Realignment of Boundary
An application that proposes to change or realign the property boundary through subdivision or consolidation of land.7

Subdivision – Removal of covenant
An application that proposes the removal of an existing covenant that applies to the land. 7