Tree Protection Zone
A Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) is a specified area above and below ground and at a given distance from the trunk set aside for the protection of a tree’s roots and crown. It is intended to maintain the viability and stability of the tree. A TPZ is calculated by measuring the diameter of the tree trunk at 1.4 metres above the ground and then multiplying that number by 12. The TPZ is then marked around the edge of the tree trunk at that distance to provide the circular protection area in all directions and fencing installed. Any works are prohibited in the zone.
Use and Development
Use of land refers to using land for a particular purpose (such as a dwelling or a shop) and may not involve building anything. Development includes the construction, alteration or demolition of a building or works and the subdivision or consolidation of land. In some zones, the development of land and the proposed new use both require a permit. For example, in the Mixed Use Zone, a permit is required to construct a building and to use a building for an office. In other zones, the use may not require a permit, but a permit may be required to construct the building (the development) for the use. In this situation, council can only consider the effects of the new building (such as height, visual bulk and so on) and not the change in the use of the land.5
VicSmart is a streamlined assessment process for straightforward planning permit applications. Classes of application are identified in the planning scheme as being VicSmart and have specified requirements for information, assessment processes and decision guidelines.14
Waiving of parking requirement
An application which requires consent for a waiver or reduction in car parking requirements.5
Waste Management Plan
For larger residential and commercial developments you may be required to prepare a plan to manage the waste and recycling needs of your development. To find out more download Waste Management Plan Guidelines for Developments6
Works includes any change to the natural or existing condition or topography of land including the removal, destruction or lopping of trees and the removal of vegetation or topsoil.16
The planning scheme zones land for particular uses, for example, residential, industrial, business or other. Each zone has a purpose, set of requirements, describes what needs a planning permit, and matters the council must consider before making a decision. The zone also contains information relating to land uses, subdivision of land, construction of new buildings and other changes to the land.3